Instructions for Presenters

  1. The regular presentation time for a lecture is 20 minutes, including discussion.
  2. The regular presentation time for a keynote lecture is 40 minutes, including discussion.
  3. The regular presentation time for a plenary lecture is 45 minutes, including discussion.
  4. Please prepare your presentation file as a PowerPoint or PDF file.
  5. Each room has a laptop and LCD projector with HDMI connection.
  6. We strongly encourage you to bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to SolMech 2024.
  7. You will be able to upload your presentation in a designated area near the reception. Please pre-load your presentation before the session starts. Please come early enough to avoid queues.
  8. Required presentation file name: session-number_paper-number_surname_name_title.pptx, for example: ts01_123_Dowe_John_Mechanics_of_a_solid_medium.pptx
  9. Using your laptop with an HDMI connection is allowed. Make sure to bring with you your adapter plug if needed. As a precaution, we warmly suggest you have a copy of your presentation on a USB flash drive.